Damon Havlicek, Dean of Students and Asst. Athletic Director

I am currently the Dean of Students and Assistant Athletic Director here at Connersville High School. I work with student attendance during the day, and both Middle School and High School athletic events in the evenings. Previously, I was in Jackson, MI, where I was an English teacher, College Advisor, and Boys/Girls soccer coach at Lumen Christi Catholic School for 25 years. I was a member of the Spring Arbor University soccer team after graduating CHS in 1992.
This is my first full year back at CHS after coming back in February, and I want nothing more than to see all of our students achieve excellence in every facet of their lives. It is important to see all students working to be their best and to know they are important not only here, but in the greater community.
If you have any questions for me, please reach out at 765-825-1151 x24323, or at my email: dhavlicek@fayette.k12.in.us. I look forward to everyone having a great year here at CHS!